Happy Holidays to you and hopefully, some fantastic DX is your bounty this holiday season! Wee 5 of our MW Frequency Challenge certainly brought some gifts for quite a few DXers! 620 kHz proved to be a great frequency for many, but now we get ready to set our sight on 1240 kHz for a real challenge as we dig in the graveyard!
DXers from three countries (Mexico, Canada and the US) and 18 US States brought in logs for Week 5 of our MW Frequency Challenge, let's start with those results:
Most Logged Stations: For our second week in a row, our top spot for most logged stations belongs to Rob Keeney from the Upstate of South Carolina. With his Airspy HF+ Discovery and Wellbrook magnetic loop antenna, Rob brought in 9 stations in one week on a single frequency! Rob has consistently been at or near the top of our challenge leaderboard each week, kudos to Rob for putting in the work and getting great results!
Most Logged States/Provinces: Rob also brought in the most states heard this week with 7 states heard (FL, GA, MS, NC, PA, SC and TN). Tom Laskowski (IN) and Saul Chernos (ON) were right on his heels though with 6 states heard!
Most Logged Countries: James Niven (TX) took the top spot by pulling in 4 countries (USA, Mexico, Cuba and Nicaragua). The Nicaraguan was the one that put him over the top, by logging Radio Nicaragua - YNN in Managua. Multiple DXers brought in 3 countries with mixes of USA, Mexico and Cuba with one DXer (Mark Connelly) adding Newfoundland for our sole Canadian log of the week.
Furthest Logging: James Niven's log of Nicaragua also earned him the top spot for our mileage challenge with a log of 2,335 miles! Linda Brodsky (NJ) also brought in a distant reception of 2,111 miles of Cuba's Radio Rebelde for the second place spot. Saul Chernos (ON) with 2,098, James Niven again with a log of 1,871 and Bill Coury of MI (1,818) rounded out the top spots.
Loyd/DX Central Numbers:
4 stations logged
2 states logged (FL and TN)
3 countries logged (USA, Mexico and Cuba)
1,498 miles (XENK in Mexico)
Most Logged Station: XENK in Mexico was logged by 8 DXers, followed closely by Radio Rebelde in Cuba as logged by 6 DXers. Most heard US station was WVMT in Vermont by 6 DXers.
Most Logged State/Province: Tennessee (WRJZ) and Vermont (WVMT) both took the top spot here with 6 logs each.
Most Logged Country (outside of US): Mexico was logged 10 times by DXers this week with XENK, XESS and XEGH all being logged.
Busiest Time of Day: Once again, Overnight took the top spot here with 57% of all logs, which is a higher slice of the pie from previous weeks. Sunset (22%), Sunrise (17%) and Daytime (2.9%) each brought in logs this week.
Most Used Receiver: SDRs continue to bring in the vast majority of the DX with 76.5% of all logs coming from an SDR (52 logs). Portables were used 8 times this week (11.8%) with a desktop receiver bringing in an addition 7 logs (10.3%). The Airspy HF+ Discovery was once again the most widely used SDR with 17 logs however the SDRPlay suite of SDRs also brought in 17 logs, so we had ourselves a tie this week! Perseus users also brought in a healthy number of logs with 13.
Most Used Antenna: Mag Loops continue to lead the way for DXers with 36 logs this week (53% of all logs). The most commonly used Mag Loop this week was the Wellbrook suite, with 17 logs. The YouLoop brought in 8 logs in this week's challenge.
See the full export of data at our Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qVG3HpOSpz77XJx6NNsWMTvIzPvpr5XGC711pdLRvy0/edit?usp=sharing
With that, we open up Week 6 of our MW Frequency Challenge, and this might be our toughest challenge yet as we make our way into our first graveyard frequency: 1240 kHz.
Logs for week six will only be accepted for stations received between 0400 UTC Monday, December 27, 2021 and 0400 Monday, January 3rd (will be announcing the closing on social media). Logs must be from your own equipment using WebSDRs is allowed for reference, but will not be counted towards the challenge. If you do log from a WebSDR, be sure to mark your location as from the location of the WebSDR itself, not your home location. All loggings must be submitted using our Google Form at https://forms.gle/QPqGro1ZjMzeyXoh9 Submissions by any other form including social media, email, etc. will not be accepted.
An eCertificate will be sent to the DXer with the most logged stations during the challenge time period. Additional eCertificates may be presented at the discretion of DX Central.
Have fun, 73 and best of DX!
Loyd - W4LVH