The Courtesy Program Committee (CPC) is hosting TWO DX tests from the state of Kentucky this weekend and we have you covered here at DX Central with our special DX Test edition of our DX Central Live livestream.
We will begin our stream Saturday night at 2245 CDT/2345 EDT/0345 UTC from our Northshore Studios in Mandeville, LA. You can tune in our livestream from any of our 4 platforms (linked below) or by simply going to DXCentralLive.com.
We will be running the entire duration of the tests, and will regularly bounce back and forth between 1150 and 990 to tune in both tests.
Details on the test can be found in the official CPC announcement from Les Rayburn, below.
The Courtesy Program Committee (CPC) of the International Radio Club of American (IRCA) and the National Radio Club (NRC) are pleased to announce the 2023 “Spring into DX” tests from the Bluegrass State! Stay up late with us on Saturday night/Sunday morning as WWKY 990 in Winchester, KY and WMST 1150 in Mount Sterling, KY will both be conducting maintenance tests for two full hours.
The test starts at one minute after midnight 00:01 AM EDT, Sunday morning March 26 (0401 UTC) and lasts until 2 AM EDT (0600 UTC). Both stations will run at their daytime power and pattern. That’s 2,500 watts for WMST and 1,000 watts for WWKY. Snagging this dynamic duo will be a challenge. To help make it easier, the station is broadcasting some of the best DX test material available.
The test will consist mostly of sweep tones, Morse code at 20WPM & 12 WPM (1 kHz), 1kHz long tones, and proven sound effects to cut through the noise. The stations also plan to run some “special programming” that is sure to be fun.
This “Spring Into DX" test is a direct result of the outreach efforts of Harry Dence and the generosity of Hays McMakin of Gateway Radio Works, Inc., who own both stations. Again, Hays and his team had to work around high school basketball and March Madness to make this test go, so you have our thanks. Kudos to our all-volunteer CPC team as well!
Thank you Hays McMakin!
The usual rules for a CPC-scheduled test apply:
Email reception reports to dx@...
Reception reports must be received within 30 days (May 10, 2023)
QSLs for all DX Tests from the 2021-2022 will be answered when the season is over. Be patient.
Reception reports must include a recording of no more than two minutes in length. .MP3, .WAV or .MP4 video accepted.